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5 Small Parts To Always Check During a Preflight Inspection

If you are a pilot, you know that preflight inspections are critical to aviation safety. It is important to check all parts of an aircraft before taking off and while in flight.

Most pilots know to check the larger components, such as fuel systems, navigation systems, and engines, but they often forget to inspect the smaller parts. Here are five small parts pilots should always check during a preflight inspection.

Seatbelts and Harnesses

It is important to ensure all aircraft seatbelts and harnesses are functional and secure. You should replace any frayed or loose fabric immediately. Additionally, look for signs of damage, such as tears or cuts in the material. They could indicate wear and tear from prolonged use.

Control Cables

Control cables allow the pilot to move various controls on the aircraft, such as rudder pedals, ailerons, and elevators, during flight. Inspect these cables for corrosion or fraying on both ends of each cable before takeoff. Additionally, check for any kinks or tight spots along the cable’s length that may indicate broken strands or other damage beneath its protective sheath.

Door Latch Mechanism

The latch mechanism is responsible for keeping the door securely closed while in flight, so it’s important to inspect this every time you fly. Ensure no broken springs or bent metal pieces could prevent your door from opening correctly after landing. If your latch mechanism looks worn out, then it’s best to replace it before flying again.

Fuel System Valves

These valves control how much fuel enters the engine at any given time, so they must properly function for your plane to fly smoothly. Check each valve for signs of wear and tear, such as leakage around the seal or cracks in the housing material itself. Replacing these valves can save you from potential disaster down the line!

Landing Gear Struts

Landing gear struts provide support when your aircraft touches down on runways and taxiways. They must be strong enough to withstand impacts without bending or failing over time—inspect them closely for any signs of corrosion or damage!

Additionally, make sure all bolts securing these struts are tight before takeoff, as loose bolts can cause vibrations during the flight and further problems down the line (such as loss of control).

Preflight inspections are essential for aviation safety—and don’t forget those small components! By inspecting items like seatbelts, control cables, door latch mechanisms, fuel system valves, and landing gear struts during preflight checks, you’ll ensure your plane is ready for takeoff every single time!

Pilots who take their preflight inspections seriously have much better chances of avoiding dangerous situations while flying than those who do not. Ensure you’re following all preflight procedures correctly before getting behind the controls!

Seattle Aviation Solutions can help you with commercial airplane parts and accessories if you need help. We’ve got everything, from aircraft parts to pilot supplies, radio and navigation gear, and more! Check us out today!

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